Floristic diversity and ecological characteristics of Northeastern Gaza strip, Palestine

Document Type : Original Article


1 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Applied Science, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza- Palestine

2 Al-Quds Open University


The current study was carried out to determine floristic diversity and investigate ecological characteristics in the northeastern Gaza Strip, Palestine from 2019-2021 during various seasons. A total of 146 species were recorded belonging to 116 genera and 44 families. Of these Echinops philistaeus is believed to be endemic to Palestine, five endangered taxa were also recorded. The predominant families of the study area were Asteraceae (Compositae) with 27 species Poaceae (Gramineae) with 19 species and Fabaceae (Leguminosae) with 13 species. At the generic level Amaranthus were represented by five species, while Avena, Bromus, Euphorbia, Ficus, and Urtica were represented by three species each. Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian elements made up the majority of the chorotypes (65 species). Therophytes made up the majority of the life-form class by 87 species followed by hemicryptophytes representing by 22 species, phanerophyte (Trees or shrubs) represented by 17 species, geophytes by five species, chamaephytes by nine species, climbers by five species, and parasites represented only by one species. This study provides basic information on floristic composition and can therefore be an important resource and reference for biodiversity conservation. Further studies are recommended to contribute to identifying widespread plant species in this region and developing management plans to preserve floristic diversity, especially endangered species.


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