The authors analyzed the seeds and pollen of three taxa belonging to the genus Eruca Miller (E. pinnatifida (Desf.) Pomel f. aurea (Batt.) Maire, E. sativa Miller, E. vesicaria (L.) Cav. using OM and SEM. The study of morphobiometric data identified three morphotypes and an identification key was elaborated. The length of the polar axis of the pollen grains and the length of the seeds represent the primary characters for distinguishing the taxa of Eruca and those belonging to the genus Diplotaxis observed in a previous study (De Leonardis et al., 2002). Further characters are the thickness of the sexine (more accentuated in Diplotaxis) and the different disposition of the seed coat reticulum. Moreover, based on the palynological and seminal characters found the close affinity between Eruca vesicaria and E. sativa confirmed the systematic placing proposed by Tutin et al. (1964) who placed them in E. vesicaria (L.) Cav. ssp. vesicaria and E. vesicaria (L.) Cav. ssp. sativa (Miller) Thell. respectively. The two taxa had a greater affinity with respect to E. pinnatifida f. aurea that is nearer to the group of taxa belonging to the genus Diplotaxis as can be seen from the examination of the dendrogram.
De Leonardis, W., De Santis, C., Fichera, G., & Padulosi, S. (2002). Seed and pollen study of taxa belonging to the genus Eruca Miller in relation to some characters present in species of the genus Diplotaxis DC.. Taeckholmia, 22(1), 177-187. doi: 10.21608/taec.2002.12440
Walter De Leonardis; Carmelinda De Santis; Girolamo Fichera; Stefano Padulosi. "Seed and pollen study of taxa belonging to the genus Eruca Miller in relation to some characters present in species of the genus Diplotaxis DC.", Taeckholmia, 22, 1, 2002, 177-187. doi: 10.21608/taec.2002.12440
De Leonardis, W., De Santis, C., Fichera, G., Padulosi, S. (2002). 'Seed and pollen study of taxa belonging to the genus Eruca Miller in relation to some characters present in species of the genus Diplotaxis DC.', Taeckholmia, 22(1), pp. 177-187. doi: 10.21608/taec.2002.12440
De Leonardis, W., De Santis, C., Fichera, G., Padulosi, S. Seed and pollen study of taxa belonging to the genus Eruca Miller in relation to some characters present in species of the genus Diplotaxis DC.. Taeckholmia, 2002; 22(1): 177-187. doi: 10.21608/taec.2002.12440